Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Perspectives

In the back of your mind, there's a voice that's warns you, but most of the time we can ignore it or pretend it’s not there; but we know it there, so let me slide in this perspective.  As we celebrate the new year, party and praise, remember that voice as the world continues to erase God and replace it with selfish ambitions, and violence all in the name of "that's just life".
There will come a time when that voice will be silent, but the key will be will you realize it in time to change. 
Through my eyes I see the tricks and the set up and we are falling for it like sheep to the slaughter. I won’t get into the signs of the times, but I will say this; how long do you think this division in the world will last?
We are a roller coaster heading down.  My fear is us and how humans are more dangerous than some ghosts or demon.  The earth will shake us off this planet like fleas.  We are careless and arrogant and the day will come when we will be humbled. Just like the dinosaurs ruled, they got wiped out so clean that you barely can find proof they were even here.  So as we step into 2012, be afraid of us instead of aliens. 
Ok that's enough for now.  But remember the voice as you make your plans. A second is a lifetime! -VIGA-truth

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