Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vigalantee's Spazz Sessions

Spazz session 1:Why is it when you do something positive to try and get support, people act deaf, blind and dumb? The answer is because they know if they contribute you just might make it, and crabs and dream killers don't want anyone thinking they are getting soft, so they keep going!

Spazz session 2:Why is it when you ask people to support you, you got to be mad or struggling? The answer is: could it be a negro is just doing inventory and he decided to see who follows, the fb likes, who's faking, and shooting you bull ish? besides the greatest way to expose uncover haters is to pull the covers off. That " keep it to yourself" is for cowards who are scared to face their opposition. Never that I'm spazzing and creating at the same time, besides I still got my day B.O.B.S (business ova bull ish)

Spazz Session 3:The first thing I've learn is just because people don't acknowledge you doesn't mean they don't see you or admire you; but their ego refuses to display it in public because of their own insecurities and that suits me just fine. Just remember to bring a tie because i have the shoes you can't walk in! B.O.B.S (business ova bull ish)

Spazz Session 4:Now if a brotha start kickin that bull ish,then everybody will be disappointed and say "i knew he wasn't who he claim to be" It's funny that way; people expect so much more but they are not willing to lift a hand to keep people uplifted, but they will tear a brotha down with 100% effort and focus towards the mission of seeing you fail.To many people play the sidelines looking for a train wreck,that's why i drive my own car to the show,because timing is everything along with safety. I'm buckled up and ready for impact!

Spazz Session 5:If you swing that bull my way this season you will get dropped. I bit my tongue last year, but this year it's B.O.B.S(business ova bull ish) and i will address you like I'm your Mailman! Here's a certified warning that needs your signature! SPAZZ SESSIONS DONE! PEACE.

Viga Truth

In a backwards world, it seems so impossible to go forward while everybody else is running past you, until you realize the reason you are getting left behind; its simply because they are running the wrong way.  No worries, the path is narrow!- Viga Truth

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Vigalantee The Hip-hopologist

Vigalantee speaks with Wayne Hubbard from Urban Outdoors about the importance of giving back.
Wayne Hubbard interview