Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This man needs to apologize to Emmett Till's family! It's the right thing to do period.  If he can apologize to Lebron, he can apologize and address the open letter. Don't care if he's not sincere!

Respect (lil Wayne diss) by vigalantee:

More Viga Truth

Sometimes in life you must realize most people are full of the stuff you flush down the toilet.  Many people talk justice and respect, but if they had to walk towards it they would run backwards(Cowards)

Monday, March 11, 2013

What are the PR Implications of Lil Wayne's Diss of Emmett Till?

Honored to speak with Roger M Suggs who asked me to speak on some issues facing hip-hop and PR management for Reasons4Rhymes.com and Yourblackworld.com  Roger is doing some fantastic things in my hometown of KCK making a difference for youths that need it.-Edward Cates



Y'all scared of what we really are, so you would rather deny our identity and try to become someone else and continue to destroy what our ancestors died for.  Damn that! I refuse to bow down to my own people when we have the target on our backs!
Wake the hell up!

a.n.i.m.a.l 2 is on the way.  It's time to grind and remind our people that it's time to stop killing each other, it's time to rise!

Some Viga Truth

Finding like minded people is worth the hard work; because dealing with people who are opposite of that gives you perspective and insight to know the difference between struggle and hard work.  Look around your circle and see if you know the difference!