Viga Tales

Part X

A freakin gun to my head!  So I said “what's the deal?” he said, “Vig” I said yep, so he un-cocked the gun and said “boy you almost got blasted”, I turn around and said “Chauncey Clyde?”  and he was looking like a ninja (I chuckled inside cause this bro is always on one) I guess through all the debates we had at the barbershop he paid attention after all since his be that boy whose cd went number one on the charts ironically knocking mine to number two (boy quit playing). Breathing a sigh of relief, I said “where's your family?” and he said “they were in a shelter and he was sworn in as an officer. So he said “come with me and they will make you an officer”  I looked at him and said no way. There was silence, then he said “look Vig, you were being set up and they had your location locked in, I didn't know it was you when I creeped up on you, but bro you got to let me bring you back, and then you can be safe because they are shooting the resistance on sight.” I said “look Clyde you already know”. So Clyde shook his head and handed me his walkie talkie yo bro you are on line now, but I got to go, so don't go to that school fam, and he was off. I said to myself damn I was slipping what if that wasn't Clyde? 

Lord have mercy and come to think about it, that's what it was (you see we don't recognize God blessings everyday) now I got to re-group.  How did they find my location? Robert couldn't have set me up, it had to be when I was on the internet (we put so much trust in the internet, we put pictures, personal info, our thoughts and our ignorance on there and our desires.  We never think about who own that info and the real profile they have on you.  That was a long thought but so true.  Man we really fell for this system and we misused it.  This system should have unified us, but it divided us and separated us from natural reality, to the point we became zombies or should I say human robots. 

So I made my way back to the bunker stunned and confused and now fear is setting in and I'm starting to think about my kids.  So I shake it off, and grab my bible and started reading Revelations.  Maybe I missed something. I don't know, I can't figure this out. Lord help me, as I scream out loud  Then all of a sudden I thought OMG what did Obama tell the people? and I said to myself how can you shut a whole country down (impossible) then I said this has happen before and I thought about 9/11 terrorist strike and the country was shut down and this is worse, where's the watcher now? One thing I know and I'm not afraid to say is that sometimes in our human flesh we feel like we are alone and it dos look like evil has all the big guns and it seems like good has to struggle.  Where's Pastor Dee Suggs at when I need her! I'm getting tired and sleepy.  If I can take just a power nap, then I can re-group. I closed my eyes and......................t.b.c.

Part XI
Dream sequence............... maybe this is reality right here.  I see Oprah talking about a new church and a new belief and Jesus was here; just show us how to live.  She said man created God, but if that is true then who is man? Why does money make people forget, or does it give you power to think it is the reason why you are successful? I see Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, and Creflo Dollar making millions and my question is this, are they helping millions? I see the rappers becoming puppets and speaking destruction instead of life.  I see the gangs and drug dealers, but how did the drugs get here and who's behind that? The democrats versus republicans; Rush, and Bill O'reily movement black on black crime, terrorist making threats everyday, people fighting over oil, billionaires stealing from the poor, unemployment is at all-time high, the church and the youth movement is at all-time low.  Hell-o-vision (tv) is pushing every type of movement that's antichrist.  People are caught in a system that moves so fast, you don't have time to meditate and see the truth

Time is spinning out of control along with the world. There is hate all around the world; murder and genocide, the weather is off balance, but yet people ignore it.  This is a nightmare.  People are being brainwashed.  There is talk of secret beings on earth.  WOW there goes Halle Berry.  Dreams are funny that way (don't judge me I'm dreaming.. lol) All this can't help but end bad before good comes.  Why can't people just unite? Why wait for a major disaster to happen before we are forced to acknowledge JESUS AND RESPECT GOD!

Look at Roger Jr. slam dunking that ball.  Jazmine is getting married (getting married??) Gionni driving cars for NASCAR, look at my gold cd and grammy award.  And my book (love, lust, deceit, defeat) is on the best sellers list. Ron Suggs Jr. is in the NBA. How much money can Gucci’s family make? (Gucci is big Ron).

Someone is chasing me! OMG I got to get away.  I'm surrounded and they are closing in on me. As I run faster and faster, something tells me to jump and I do.  Right when the monster tries to grab me, kaboom! I wake up.  Wow that was crazy.  As I check myself to see if I'm awake, and I am, I get up and say “thank you lord” That was close that thang almost got me.  I was sweating like crazy, then all of a sudden my leg was bleeding and I looked in shock because something had scratch me and it wasn't Halle Berry?............t.b.c.