Friday, December 30, 2011

Scary Dream Last Night

Had a scary dream last night but it brought great insight. Why don't the kkk or skin heads move aggressive to make their point anymore? where's the crosses in the yard? (oh is that old school?) Where's the openly hate for blacks? where are you and why are you hiding?

Then an old white man came out to me and said “we are still here and our agenda hasn't change.” He said “early on we were losing the war because we were going to jail and the government was tapping our resources; but the biggest opposition and threat to us was your unity.  But as time went by something beautiful happen; drugs and gangs became our secret weapon cause you know white power don't play checkers we play chess. So now we out live you and my troops are free and we respect our women, and we don't kill our own.” 

“Look at the internet. Look how y'all act. Even when you have money and fame you still bring shame.  We told y'all that y'all. are animals and are a threat to everyone; including yourselves.  Look at how y'all act! just monkeys in human clothes.”

As I grabbed my 45, he looked at me and said go ahead brotha but before you blast me, let me answer your question.  He said “why put a cross in your yard when I can put a nigga in it!”
Pow (gun fire) then I woke up. The sad thing is most of us are still asleep as I look at the 10:00 news! -some VIGA-truth

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